Choose a quote with a KNOWN author.
Your quote should be set up in the following manner.

Choose an appropriate title for your quote post, i.e. Becky's quote about winter, John's quote about happiness

"Put your chosen quote in quotation marks."
List the author of your quote underneath.
Leave a space.
Somewhere in the body of your quote include a picture that enhances your quote post.
Key in some background information on your author or something interesting you discovered about your author during the research of your quote that would be of interest to your peers.
Key in why you chose this quote, and/or why it has meaning to your life, etc.

Please have all quotes posted by the end of week 5.
When all quotes have been posted, I will instruct you to make comments (minimum of two). Pick two or more quotes by fellow classmates and add a comment to their post. You may comment on their quote or on their author or on the information they shared. Comments should be posted by the end of week 8.

Inappropriate quote posts or comments will not be tolerated and will result in a failing IRP grade. Build each other up, not tear each other down.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Things That Are Overlooked

"The most overlooked advantage to owning a computer is that if they foul up there's no law against wacking them around a little"

Joe Martin
In 1979 Joe Martin began his career as a syndicated cartoonist with the debut of TUCKER, a comic strip about a guy running an employment agency, echoing Martin's own beginnings. In 2000 the Guinness Book of World Records recognized Martin as the World's Most Prolific Cartoonist, attesting to the fact that since 1979 Martin has been a very busy man, responsible for writing and drawing three comic strips simultaneously, MISTER BOFFO, WILLY 'N ETHEL, and CATS WITH HANDS, totaling 1300 jokes yearly and over 22,000 published since 1978.
I chose this quote because I have feel that many people can use and needs this rule. There are many times when I have worked on computers many times and then the computer breakes down or shuts down in the middle of an job, which cause many troubles for others and myself. And these kinds of breakdown only seemed to happen at the worse of times.

Love or Lust?

"Love is not maybe thing, you know when you love someone." - Lauren Conrad

Lauren Conrad often referred to as "LC" was born February 1, 1986, in Laguna Beach, California. She's known for her roles in the MTV reality series Laguna Beach: The Real Orange County and The Hills.

My opinion about the quote is that you know when you really love someone. People can't tell you that you don't or can't love that special someone, because its only you who can tell if you love them. It doesn't matter what race or sex that this person is you know when you love them. Although they may say you are loving like a kid, that doesn't mean you didn't give it your all. I picked this quote because honestly when you do really love someone, only time will tell and then you'll know that it was all true.

Thursday, February 7, 2008


"Let no man pull you low enough to hate him. " Martin Luther King Jr.

Martin Luther King Jr. was born in January 15, 1929. His real name was Michael but he changed it to Martin. At the age of thirty-five, Martin Luther King, Jr., was the youngest man to have received the Nobel Peace Prize. When notified of his selection, he announced that he would turn over the prize money of $54,123 to the furtherance of the civil rights movement.

On the evening of April 4, 1968, while standing on the balcony of his motel room in Memphis, Tennessee, where he was to lead a protest march in sympathy with striking garbage workers of that city, he was assassinated.
His quote means a lot to me, because he not only talk to his own race he is talking to every race. We shouldn't worry about what people think about us, and we should do what makes us happy. We only have one life, and we should have fun and enjoy it.

Malcolm X

"If you're not ready to die for it, put the word (freedom) out of your vocabulary." Malcolm X

Malcolm X was born Malcolm Little on May 19, 1925 in Omaha Nebraska. His mother Louise Norton Little, was a home maker occupied with the familys eight children. His father Earl Little was an out spoken Baptist minister and avid supporter of Black Nationalist leader Marcus Garvey.

Malcolm was sentenced to 10 years in prison for burglary charges, he used this time to futher his education. It was during this period o self-enlightenment that Malcol's brother Reginald belonged to the religious organization the Nation Of Islam (NOI).

Malcolm began to study the teachings of NOI leader Elijah Muhammad. Muhammad taught that white society actively worked to keep African Americans from empowering themselves and acheiving political, econimic and social success. Among other goals, the NOI fought for a state of their own.

Malcolm was a devoted follower of the teaching of Islam. He was an avid civil rights leader.

Malcolm was appointed as a minister and national spokesperson for the Nation Of Islam.

This quote means to that everyone abuses freedom there are poeple dieing every day for freedom and are being put down by our own people for fighting for their freedom.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008


"I am only one, but still I am one.
I cannot do everything, but still I can
do something; and because I cannot do everything,
I will not refuse to do something that I can do."
Helen Keller

I chose a quote by Helen Keller because of the admiration I have for her. She traveled through life with only three of our five senses. This did not break her will to succeed in life. In 1904, Helen Keller became the first deaf-blind individual to earn a college degree.
I have often quoted her to my son, Nicholas, who has Cerebral Palsy. I use this quote as a "pick me up" when things seem hopeless. I explain to him that with determination he can accomplish anything. Even with her "limitations", Helen Keller was still able to have friendships with many famous and influential people; such as Alexander Graham Bell, Mark Twain, and U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt. She also was the first person in the U.S. to own an Akita dog. It was sent to her from Japan in 1938.

This quote is an inspiration for me, as well. I have a tendency to be pessimistic when the pressures of life seem unbearable. I only need to stop and collect my thoughts and think of her and things she had accomplished.

You wanted us to quote a known author, but I have to say the one person I admire more than even Helen Keller is my "lil man", Nicholas. He shows me daily what true strength and tenacity is. Even with all the constant obstacles he faces in his life, he still puts the needs of others ahead of his own.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

A mother's love

"The heart of a mother is a deep abyss at the bottom of which you will always find forgiveness." ~ Honore de Balzac

Honore de Balzac was a 19th Century French novelist and playwright. He has been regarded as one of the founders of realism in European literature. His writings influenced many famous writers that include Charles Dickens, Henry James, and Jack Kerouac. He lived a tragic life and in 1850 he married his illicit lover and died five months later.

I find this quote to be so true. A person can never do something that their mother would not forgive them for. I know that I have done wrong in my life but no matter what I do I know that my mom always loves me and will forgive me. I want to instill this in Anna. I also hope to have the same relationship my mom and I have with my daughter when she grows up.

The Hobbit

"In a hole in the ground, there lived a hobbit."
J.R.R. Tolkien

With this one simple sentence, J.R.R. Tolkien started readers down a journey that I have followed over and over again since the prelude to his epic Lord of the Rings saga was read to me at the age of 8. I've loved those books since long before it was cool to love them, and when they were finally brought to the big screen it was a long-awaited dream for me. I first read Lord of the Rings for myself when I was in the fourth grade. It was my first serious reading, other than various kids' books, and I've been an avid reader ever since. And so, as the beginning of a long road that has yet to end - a road filled with magical beings, horrific terrors, and vivid imagery - I would have to label this as my favorite quote.

Of course, with the special editions of the Lord of the Rings movie trilogy there is little about Tolkien that you probably don't know. However, what they may not have mentioned is that the Lord of the Rings was an afterthought. Were it not for the suggestion of Tolkien's best friend, contemporary, and fellow Oxford Professor C.S. Lewis, it might never have been written. But Lewis did talk him into writing the sequel, and after it was completed Tolkien went back and made a few adjustments to the Hobbit for the sake of continuity. The rest, as they say...

Happiness Is....

"Happiness depends more on the inward disposition of mind than on outward circumstances."
Benjamin Franklin

Benjamin Franklin was born in Janaury 17, 1706, and died Apirl 17, 1790, at the age of 84. Ben was an American inventor, printer, author, journalist, statesman, activist, and diplomat.

What I didn't know was that Benjamin Frankin helped with the Daylight Savings Time. And that he invented the catheter, library chair, swim fins, long reach device, and the Glass Armonica.

Without people like Ben we wouldn't have the outstanding technology we have today. Ben was famous for his quotes. Some people thought thay were humorous, but to Ben thay were mean't to be inspirational. Saying quotes, were just away Ben, shared his thoughts. People always wanted to hear them too. Even thought it has been centuries, Ben's quotes will always have an impact on us today.

I'll tell you why I picked this quote. What it says is true. Happiness is a state of well-being and contentment. If your inward disposition is happy, that is all that counts, because that inward happiness will shine out for yourself and everyone to see!

Daddy's encouragement

“Keep a stiff upper lip”
~Phoebe Cary

I chose this simple, yet meaningful quote because it helped me through many of life’s callous moments. Although I am only 24, I have already been through my share of tough times. As far back as I can recall, all the times I was left crying and felt hopeless, my father would recite the quote “Keep a stiff upper lip” and despite how down I may have felt at the time, those words always put a smile on my face and would help me to regain some hope. It was a quote that his father would state to him throughout his life as well. I had never heard those words until my father. I always thought it was something my grandpa originated until I did research.

Unbeknownst to me, the quote “keep a stiff upper lip” dates back as far as the 1800’s and was an attribute to the British people, who were (are) perceived by many people as being reserved. That is what the quote means: no matter the circumstance faced, be emotionless, hide your feelings by keeping a stiff upper lip. There have been many writers and poets who have used this quote in their writings. It is not a quote that became known by any particular famous person, yet a saying that originated, like the similar quote “keep your chin up”.

One poet who used the quote in her writing, “And though hard be the task “keep a stiff upper lip” “, was Phoebe Cary. She became a well-known American poet during the middle of the 19th century. She and her sister Alice both published many poems in various leading magazines and in several books. These girls grew up in a rather poor family, where they earned their living as farmers. Their mother encouraged their writing, for she hoped it would bring them great fortune one day. Their mother passed away when the girls were 11 and 14. The girl’s new stepmother prohibited them to continue their writings because she felt it was an idle pursuit. Two years later the stepmother died, and they resumed their writing careers. The Cary’s poems landed them great admirers such as Edgar Allen Poe and William Holmes McGuffey. Phoebe died at age of 51 from malaria, five months after her sister Alice.

Though “Keep a stiff upper lip” may have originated hundreds of years ago and has since been used by many, I will always consider it my dad’s quote to me. I hope that you remember those words the next time life may bring at you a distressing or discouraging situation.

Have to believe

"Everybody wants to go to heaven, but nobody wants to die."
Joe Louis

Joe Louis Barrow was born on May 13, 1914. He and his family are cotton pickers from Alabama; they fought against poverty for many years. Joe and his family moved to Detroit in 1924, where Joe became a professional boxer and was known as “Brown Bomber”. Joe won the Golden Gloves of heavyweight, and within the year he won 12 contests. On June 19, 1936 he had the most painful fight of his life against Max Schemling. After 1938, the year of defeating Max Schemling, Joe became the world champion. In 1942 Joe joined the army for four years and worked as a physical education teacher. Louis retired in 1949 still as heavyweight champ. He knocked out 5 heavy weight champions and is a powerful part of the boxing history for many decades to come. When he died in 1981, Joe Louis was eulogized - and continues to be known as one of the greatest prizefighters of all time.

I chose this quote because you have to believe in yourself. If you want to become something great you should believe and work hard to get where you want to be. Every one wants to be remembered as doing or being something great, but no one wants to put forth the effort to be that someone. So, otherwise if you want to go to heaven, or you're thinking about it, you should trust and believe.


"The fate of all humanity. You don't get what you want and you suffer. Even if you get exactly what you want, you still suffer because you can't hold on to it."
--Dan Millman

I heard this quote from the movie "Peaceful Warrior" starring Nick Nolte and it was so profound to me that I wrote it down immediately. The movie is an adaptation from Dan Millman's book, Way of the Peaceful Warrior. It's a very good movie.

Mr. Millman is a former world champion gymnast, university coach and college professor. He had a life altering accident which completely changed the future he had expected to have. After an intensive twenty-year spiritual quest, he has written thirteen books that inspire millions of readers in 29 languages worldwide. His teachings, the Peaceful Warrior's Way, are expressed fully in his books and lectures. Much of Dan's time is devoted to writing and speaking.

This quote may sound depressing to you at first glance. For me it inspires feelings of hope and faith because even though there is suffering in life, there is also great joy and happiness to be experienced. Nothings lasts forever so you have to live life to it's fullest. You can dwell on the suffering and inhumanity or you can make the most of it and enjoy the life we have been blessed with. The choice is within all of us.


Hard Work

“I’m a great believer in luck and I find the harder I work the more I have of it.”
Thomas Jefferson

Thomas Jefferson wished to be remembered for three achievements in his public life. He had served as governor of Virginia, as U.S. minister to France, as secretary of state under George Washington, as vice-president in the administration of John Adams, and as president of the United States from 1801 to 1809. On his tombstone, however, which he designed and for which he wrote the inscription, there is no mention of these offices. Rather, it reads that Thomas Jefferson was "author of the Declaration of American Independence, of the Statute of Virginia for religious freedom, and Father of the University of Virginia" and, as he requested, "not a word more." Historians might want to add other accomplishments--for example, his distinction as an architect, naturalist, and linguist--but in the main they would concur with his own assessment .
This quote means a lot to me because many people sail through life waiting for good things to happen, but growing up I was taught to work hard for the things you want, don’t sit and wait for anything. With this coming from a very successful man it encourages me to shoot for the stars not wait for one to fall.

Cassandra Neligh


“The most important things are the hardest things to say. They are the things you get ashamed of because words diminish your feelings - words shrink things that seem timeless when they are in your head to no more than living size when they are brought out.”

~Stephen King

*Stephen King has expressed the fundamental concerns of his era, and used the horror genre as his own branch of artistic expression. I picked this quote because there is times when you say things and you don't mean them. I understand what he means.

Education is your future!!!

"Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow
belongs to those who prepare for it today."
Malcolm was a African American black rights activist who was assasinated on Febuary 21,1965, and was born on May 19,1925. He had a religious name and was known as El Hajj Malik El- Shabazz. Malcolm, like many who have troubles, went to jail at the age of twenty for burglary, and received a sentence of 10 years. As a child, Malcolm's mother suffered a nervous breakdown and her eight children were taken away from her by the welfare department. Like Malcolm everyone may hit a bumpy road, but you make the best of it and move on.
I chose this quote because I personally have been through alot in the past few years, and I have discovered that going back to school to get your education to make your life better is the only way to do it and be sucessful at what you do. Always believe in yourself and believe that you will suceed.
In my life I have struggled, but I feel I am Finally on track, never give up on your education!!! Never give up, we are all meant to do something speacial. Find what it is you are to do, and succeed.



"Some people come into our lives, leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never, ever the same."
Flavia Weedn

I choose this quote by Flavia Weedn because it has so much meaning. We all have had someone in our lives that we have truly loved and cherished that has passed away that we will never forget. Now when I read this quote it reminds me of my aunt Winnie, who has lost two of her three children.

In 1990 her oldest son Daniel passed away from an accidental death and in 2005 her youngest daughter Nichole was killed in a car accident. Nichole left behind her son Daniel, whom she named after her late brother. Daniel who was six months old at the time of Nichole's death has brought so much love and inspiration into my aunt's life and our family's life. We lost two precious lives, but yet still gained a precious life that Nichole left us and we are so thankful for him.

Flavia believed that in this life there are no endings, only beginnings. She believed that through every heartache we discover how to love more and love better, and that life has hidden gifts in it's hands. Flavia grew up in Los Angeles and was inspired by her uncle Jack. Jack taught her that if she worked hard and believed in her dreams, she could do anything.

Now married with two grown children and a granddaughter she carries on her dream as a painter and illustrates how she feels. Her dream also carries on throughtout her family, and together they run the business.

Time Really Does Heal

" God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference."
Reinhold Niebuhr

Reinhold Niebuhr is very famous among the 20th century American theologians. Niebuhr started his professional life out as a minister for Bethel Evangelical Church, in Detroit. He ministered from 1915 to 1928 at which time, he witnessed the growth of the automobile industry. Neibuhr criticized the inhumane treatment of the workers in Henry Fords factory, making him an outspoken advocate of socialist principles in social and economical matters.
Starting in 1928, he taught Applied Christianity at Union Theological Seminary in New York City, before retiring in 1960. During his lifetime he observed the tragic life of factory workers, evilness in human beings through two World Wars, the nuclear age and the Cold War. He died on June 1, 1971, in Stockbridge MA.

On January 16, 2007, I received the worst news a person could receive, I had lost a baby due to a rare pregnancy. I had to have emergency surgery (D&C), and then they had to check for cancer, to which, the results came back postive. This meant I would have to go through Chemotherapy, and after two months I was in remission. For the last year, I have had to have blood work done monthly to make sure the cancer stays gone and by the grace of God, it is. This quote describes everything I went through and how I view my future.

Skeleton in your closet

"If you can't get rid of the skeleton in your closet, you'd best teach it to dance."
- George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950)

An ardent socialist, Shaw wrote many brochures and speeches for the Fabian Society and he became an accomplished orator in the furtherance of its causes, which included gaining equal political rights for men and women, alleviating abuses of the working class, rescinding private ownership of productive land, and promoting healthful lifestyles. Shaw married Charlotte Payne-Townshend, a fellow Fabian, whom he survived. They made their home on Ayot St. Lawrence in a house now called Shaw's Corner. Shaw died there, at age 94 from chronic problems exacerbated by injuries he incurred by falling from a ladder. He is the only person to have been awarded both the Nobel Prize for Literature(1925) and an Oscar (1938).

The reason why I choose George Bernard Shaw because he was a superstar playwright and tart-tongued literary personality of the early 20th century. Shaw won the 1925 Nobel Prize for Literature. He remains the only person to win both an Oscar and a Nobel Prize. George Bernard Shaw is still better known for his famously large ego and sometimes prickly personality.

Tammy's quotes

From what we get, we can make a living; what we give, however, makes a life."
By Arthur Ashe

Arthur Ashe was a great champion in tennis and life. He had a great career until 1979, when he unexpectedly had a heart attack. He retired in 1980 because of his heart disease.After retiring he did alot of charity work and lived his life helping others. In 1988 he learned that he had contracted HIV from a blood transfusion during one of his heart surgeries. Arthur Ashe died on Feburary 6, 1993 from complications from Aids. Ashe was given many honors during and after his life for all the good he had done. Arthur Ashe still remains the only African American player ever to win the mens singles at Wimbleton, U.S. Open and the Australian Open.He was a great athlete, husband, father, and a very given man.

I choose this quote because I have always believed that giving and helping others is more important than what you get. This quote is like another quote that I really like (It's better to give than to receive) I have always tried to live my life that way.


"Sometimes you just got to give yourself what you wish someone else would give you".

He went to the unversity of Tulsa.He played football and was a linebacker.This quote inspired me becuase I Think it's true. For me it was my college education.when I graduated from High school I couldn't go to college because I didn't have the money.

Lost Love

"Love is never lost."- Washington Irving

Washington Irving was a famous early American author. He wrote many familiar stories such as The Legend of Sleepy Hollow and Rip Van Winkle. He was born in New York City but has a local tie to West Virginia. His local tie is the former Washington Irving High School in Clarksburg, West Virginia which is now a part of Robert C.Byrd High School. Although it is not a high school it has kept the WI name and is now a middle school.

I picked this quote because of his local tie to the area. I knew of him being a famous author but didn't know of some of his lesser known quotations.

Life Experience

"A mystery lies at the heart of our daily experience."
Author - Edmund Blair Bolles
He describes his experience with the life of programing a computer to do what he tells it to do. He makes the computer think that it is a child. This quote reminds me that it could be something that you've experienced in life. Which could mean bad, good, or it could mean a miracle or a tragedy that you have lived through or experienced. Like back in 2003, I lived through a tragedy. I have to pray to God everyday just to be able to go on with my daily chores. What I experienced I wouldn't wish on anyone in the world.
You go on in life thinking everything is fine, but really its not. The heart is always right. When your heart is talking to you listen to it. One day it could save your life. The loss of my three children is an unspeakable tragedy that I have had to live through. There are days that I feel like I can not go on, "but then I look up at the sky and say," God please be with me in my time of need. The heart is the most unique thing in your body. Think the next time you make fun of someone because it may end up happening to you. So if you think the world evolves around you it doesn't. It does evolves around everyone. It is no fun living everyday with the tragedy of losing your children. I pray to God everyday to help me get through my day. Without pray I don't think I could go on with life. But thanks to the Lord I'm able to go on with my life.

Thursday, January 17, 2008


Many people will walk in
and out of your life,
but only true friends will leave
footprints in your heart.

~ Eleanor Roosevelt.

Eleanor Roosevelt was the wife of president Frankiln Delano Roosevelt.She focused on helping race ,creeds, and nation.She wanted to make the world a better place.

I have choosen this quote because, Many people have walked into my life and walked out.but there are only a few selected people who have earned a special place close to me

Love Someone

"To love someone deeply gives you strength. Being loved by someone deeply gives you courage." -- Lao Tzu

Although ascetics and hermits such as Shen Tao (who advocated that one 'abandon knowledge and discard self') first wrote of the 'Tao' it is with the sixth century B.C. philosopher Lao Tzu (or 'Old Sage' -- born Li Erh) that the philosophy of Taoism really began. Some scholars believe was a slightly older contemporary of Confucius (Kung-Fu Tzu, born Chiu Chung-Ni). Other scholars feel that the Tao Te Ching, is really a compilation of paradoxical poems written by several Taoists using the pen-name, Lao Tzu. There is also a close association between Lao Tzu and the legendary Yellow Emperor, Huang-ti.
According to legend Lao Tzu was keeper of the archives at the imperial court. When he was eighty years old he set out for the western border of China, toward what is now Tibet, saddened and disillusioned that men were unwilling to follow the path to natural goodness.
I chose this quote because when you love someone they can give you the courage and the confidence in your life.Loving someone so much gives you so much confidence and knowing that you are loved it helps your confidence and gives you more courage that makes you feel good about yourself.

I Think I Can

"Whether you think you can or whether you think you can't, you're right." Henry Ford

Henry Ford was born July 30, 1863 and died April 7, 1947. He was the American founder of the Ford Motor Company and the father of the modern assembly line used in mass production.

Mr. Ford believed this quote or he would have never attempted to invent the modern assembly line or have founded the Ford Motor Company. I think it is true also. If we believe we can do something then we can and if we believe we are unable to do something then we will not be able to do it.


"The best thing about the future is that it comes one day at a time."
Abraham Lincoln
This quote means to me: Take one day at a time because you don't know if you'll have a tomorrow. You will always have something to look foreword to. Make each day count, as if it was your last day to live. Also, you can't change something that hasn't happened yet. Better things could be just around the corner.
Over the years, watching my mother battle with Osteoporosis, she keeps saying, "I'm taking one day at a time". I've become to be a believer in this because this is all you can do in life, is take one day at a time and make the best of each day. How you live it, makes a big difference, as well.
Mr. Lincoln was born in Kentucky on February 12, 1809, and grew up in Indiana. Married Mary Todd and had four sons, but only one grew up to maturity. Abraham Lincoln led us into a war that changed our lives forever. He died April 15, 1865. He was a very proud and caring president.

Too Much Rock N Roll

"When I pee in the toilet I wipe my butt, when I pee in the woods I wipe my feet"

~Sarah Silverman

I chose this quote because it is true, and Sarah is my favorite female comedian.
Sarah Kate Silverman was born on December 2, 1970, in Bedford, New Hampshire. She made her start on stage at age 12, playing the title role in a community theater production of Annie. A born performer, Silverman began doing stand-up comedy when she was in high school. Following graduation, she spent a year at New York University during which time she concentrated on handing out fliers to promote her comedy club gigs. She dropped out after her freshman year to focus on her stand-up career.Sarah Silverman is probably the cutest cutting-edge comic I can think of, combining two of everyone's favorite traits in a woman: good looks and a twisted sense of humor.

Kathryn's Quote on life

"Not everthing that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted."

by: Albert Einstein

Albert was the greatest scientist and mathematician of the twentieth century. In 1932 Einstein is at the height of his fame at age 53. Identified as a Jew, he begins to feel the heat of Nazi Germany. 1933 Albert and Elsa his wife set sail for the US. Because of the Notsie killing the Jews.1939 Einstein writes a famous letter to President Franklin D. Roosevelt warning of possibility of Germany's building an atomic bomb and urging nuclear research. In 1940 Einstein becomes an American citizen; retains Swiss citizenship. He dies in 1955 due to heart failure on April16.

I Choose this saying because it is very true in most ways in life. You either count or you don't. In a way for everyone this is the way they view life and all that is around them because you can count on somethings and somethings may not be able to be counted on.


"What lies behind us, and what lies ahead of us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us."

-Oliver Wendell Holmes

  • The reason behind my quote is I think its about growing up.
  • Your childhood is what lies behind you.
  • And what lies ahead of you is the rest of your life.
  • But,what it boils down to is when it is all said and done it only thing that matter what you have in side!
A few known facts about the author: Oliver W.Holmes Jr. was born in Boston, Massachusetts. The son of a prominent writer and physician, Oliver W.Holmes Sr,. and abolitionist Amelia L. Jackson. As a young man, Holmes loved literature and supported the abolitionist movement. During his senior year of college at Harvard, the Civil War broke out. Holmes enlisted in the 4th battalion. He was wounded near Fredericksburg. They mustered him out in 1864. After the wars conclusion, Holmes returned to Harvard to study law and graduate.
He joined a small firm and married a childhood friend, Fanny Dixwell. They never had any children of their own.
After his death, two uniforms were discovered in his closet with a note attached to them reading, "These uniforms were worn by me in the Civil War and the stains upon them are my blood." Holmes was known for his pithy, short, and frequently quoted opinions.


"A man's errors are his portals of discovery." James Joyce

James Joyce was an Irish novelist, who was born in 1882 and passed away in 1941. Joyce is widely considered to be one of the most influential writers of the 20th century. He is best known for his landmark novel Ulysses (1922) and its highly controversial successor Finnegans Wake (1939).

I choose this quote because it's the truth. Everone has made mistakes in their life in one way or another and it is up to the individual to either learn from their mistakes or continue to make the same mistakes again. Making mistakes is how we learn what is right from wrong. Everyone makes mistakes, noone is prefect. A mistake could be as simple as a typing error or as bad as stealing someones property, in the end making a mistake is what makes us an individual.

Deserving Honor

"It is better to deserve honors and not have them than to have them and not deserve them."

This was quoted by Samuel Langhorne Clemens better known as Mark Twain

Mark Twain was born in November 30, 1835 and passed away April 21, 1910, he was a humanist and was most noted for his novel The adventures of Huckleberry Finn

I consider this to be my favorite quote because I believe it. There are many people who are honored and they do not even deserve it and then you see people that are truly heros and are never recognized for their efforts. Fire Fighters and other first responders are the main people that are not recognized for their courageous efforts.

A Life is Special

"Just don't give up trying to do what you really want to do. Where there is love and inspiration, I don't think you can go wrong." ~ Ella Fitzgerald

The reason for choosing this quote is for people to realize they can do anything if you have a little bit of faith and little bit of love. After finding out I was going to be a mother for the first time I want to teach my daughter that she can do anything that she wants. Just keep trying and you will get where you want to be one day in life.

Dubbed "The First Lady of Song," Ella Fitzgerald was the most popular female jazz singer in the United States for more than half a century. In her lifetime, she won 13 Grammy awards and sold over 40 million albums.

Ella Jane Fitzgerald was born in Newport News, Va. on April 25, 1917. Her father, William, and mother, Temperance (Tempie), parted ways shortly after her birth. Together, Tempie and Ella went to Yonkers, N.Y, where they eventually moved in with Tempie's longtime boyfriend Joseph Da Silva. Ella's half-sister, Frances, was born in 1923 and soon she began referring to Joe as her stepfather.

Shana's Favorite Quote

"The boundaries which divide life from death are at best shadowy and vague. Who shall say where one ends, and the other begins?"
-Edgar Allen Poe

Edgar Allen Poe was born January 19, 1809 and died October 7, 1949. He was known for writing short stories and poetry, of a dark nature, particularly death. He was the first well-known American writer to try to earn a living through writing alone.

This quote expresses how I think each day. I can relate to this comparision of life and death, because I can not tell the difference. I can not distinguish if I am alive, or if what I think is life is actually death. How do you know? Poe expressed his feelings on this intriguing aspect of the mind, and that is why this quote has to be my favorite.

I'm Pretty but......

"I’m pretty, but I’m not beautiful. I sin but I’m not the devil. I’m good but I’m not an angel."

-Marilyn Monroe

Marilyn Monroe was born as Norma Jean Mortensen on June 1 1926 in Los Angeles. She was discovered in a Malt Shop. She had brown hair, not the blonde that everyone knows her as. In Hollywood, she was know as one of the most famous blonde sex symbol of her time. She apparently died of a drug overdose at the young age of 36, but it has yet to be a proven fact.

I chose this quote because I think it fits me perfect. I like this quote because not everyone is perfect and Marilyn Monroe knew that.

Nobody is Perfect!

"Imperfection is beauty. Madness is genius. It is better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely stupid..."
-- Marilyn Monroe

Marilyn Monroe personified Hollywood glamour with an unparalleled glow and energy that amazed the world. She was born Norma Jeane Mortenson on June 1, 1926 in Los Angeles, California. She signed her first studio contract with Twentieth Century Fox on August 26, 1946.

On August 5, 1962, 36-year-old Marilyn died in her sleep at her Brentwood, California home.

She was more than just a movie star or glamour queen. Today, the name "Marilyn Monroe" is synonymous with beauty, sensuality and effervescence. She remains an inspiration to all who strive to overcome personal obstacles for the goal of achieving greatness.

I choose this quote because I have always liked Marilyn Monroe and this quote is very unique. I believe that imperfection is beauty, no one is perfect and everyone has their flaws and that is what makes them beautiful. My madness often allows me to get my way (Just ask my boyfriend). And finally, I am always being ridiculous, not stupid, just plain out ridiculous, my friends often refer to the things I say and do as crazy or ridiculous, but I just like to have fun and live life to the fullest!

Tracy's Favorite Quote

"At times, I may be selfish, out of control and hard to handle.
But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell
don't deserve me at my best."
-Marilyn Monroe

June 1, 1926 - August 5, 1962
Born Norma Jean Mortenson, Marilyn was a Golden Globe award winning American actress, model, Hollywood icon and sex symbol. She was known for her comedic skills and screen presence. Monroe became one of the most popular movie stars of the 1950s and early 1960s. During the later stages of her career, she worked towards serious roles and her fame surpassed that of any other entertainer of her time.Her premature death was classified as a "probable suicide." Many individuals believe that she was murdered. She is the only woman on the Forbes top earning dead celebrities list.

I chose this quote because I feel that it describes every relationship, whether it be with a boyfriend, best friend, etc. It is so easy for people to only consider themselves to be in a good relationship when things are going smoothly. To me, what defines a relationship is to still be able to love one another through the good but especially the bad.